Funny Farm

A fearsome foray into my fiber follies. I talk about weaving, knitting, spinning and dyeing. Some chatter about the sheep, goats, pigs and chickens.

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Location: North-east PA, United States

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Haste Makes Waste

I sleyed the reed at night. Not a good thing for these eyes apparently. This is a 32" wide/12epi warp. The header and hem seemed fine. Saw no errors. I got into the body of the piece and noticed two sections where the warp ends were close together..........I had sleyed two ends to a dent. If it had been evenly spaced, I'd call it a design element. But one error is the center and the other error about 9" from the right side. You all know what I'm doing today. Crap.


Blogger Christine said...

Bummer! Only if you had kept with the dark weft, then we would have never known!

10:24 AM  
Blogger Sharon said...

I'm three quarters sleyed on the warp I worked on yesterday. I would have been done but found an error and pulled back to it and stopped. I realized that I was tired, but now have to wait until the weekend to finish it. Hate that~

9:13 PM  
Blogger Lynn said...

Which reminds me....I need to rig up more lights over my loom. The days aren't long enough to deal with warping errors!!

4:08 PM  
Blogger countrywool said...

Stopped by to see all the stuff you've done. WOW!!! Spring is finally making its way here...can see the ground. Hope all is well.

4:32 AM  

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