Saturday, Sunday, Monday

Dalis, blogless Bev and Ann dry and wet felted unphotographed (because I forgot to) flowers that were awesome. I felted balls because that is all I can handle. Introducing my fuzzy balls. I'm sure Dalis took pictures because her camera didn't leave her hands very often. They're not up on her site yet because she probably is on the couch with a cold cloth on her forehead after her visit up here in lala land. Bev and Ann promised me they will start a blog. Ha!
Time to get my day going and finish up the loom or at least work on the placemats. The evil spawns and grandspawns may begin to arrive Tuesday.
I'm loving your snow!!! I want some!
Thanks, Marie, for a great weekend!!! Ewe'R the best!
Can't believe all the snow you got. Lucky.
And I just remembered that I do have a blog...I've just never posted anything to it! Just checked and it's still there...quite empty. Guess I'll have to put that on my to-do list.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving.
Loveya, Ann aka Willowisp2
I too am jealous of the snow (though it was NOT fun to drive in- we saw lots of accidents on our way home).
Thank you for putting us up and putting up with us over the weekend. We had a be-ewe-tiful time!
I downloaded my pics but haven't had time to get them up on my blog yet. Promise to do that soon. had such a purrrr-fect time with you. I lOVE your place and you guys are just amazing. I miss it already. Can't wait to come back for more felting, spinning, knitting, drinking and eating! Love to you both. Dalis
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