Yeah, I'm beyond the age, but just had to have one more.
Look at that poor, tired face. It's been a long, long day. Read on...
Kid in the sink. At my age, I've forgotten what to do with kids!
Oh my! Twins and a guardian dog? No, curious dog. And no....not twins but quadruplets! Two are in the barn with Mama Autumn. These two does are #3 and #4....chilled, like a fine wine. Not good for kidlets.
I actually got out of the house today. Needed new underwear, ye ken? Anyway, on the way to Scranton, Mr Princess lamented that he thought Autumn would be having quads. I said, "no", our goats usually have twins with the occasional triplets. Then I went on and on and on how rare that would be and not healthy, blah de blah, blah, blah. (I wish I had a mic right now since the white and black one is making me deaf bleating). I get my "panties", some rubber stamps, fabric paint (Lumiere) and other fun items (bubble bath!) and we motor home. As I'm putting away my treasures, Bob comes running in to say Autumn has had twins. So I bundle up and go out to treat the newbies umbilical cords with 7% Iodine, Nutridrench just because and some BoSe for selenium. After gathering eggs, because I am outside after all, we find Sara, our eldest doe down in the pasture. She will not get up! She is great with kid(s). Bob gets the tractor and cart and somehow gets her into the cart and hauls her to a jug pen in the barn. She now thinks she is at the finest hotel (Belagio?) with room service. Warm water with molasses to her right, feed to her left and fresh hay right in front of her. She has not gotten to her tender little hooves since. Still no young'uns. But she is happy and is reading trashy novels.

So, before the trip for new undies, I embarked on a new project. I have the wonderful Ikat II book which is to the right of the mill....so I am trying out some new stuff. Boy, my way is faster.
Our resident bookworm, Barn E. Cat. He's reading a boring book by Newt. However, Mr Princess thinks it's a pretty good book. Will this war ever end? The South wins. Whoda thunk that could happen this many years later?